Posts filed under “Migraine”

Migraining with money

A few weeks ago, I forgot some of my meds on an overnight trip. Yikes! Luckily, the pharmacy I use has a store just a few blocks from where I was staying, so I had my prescription moved over. I figured I’d just get my refill early. This turned out to be a bad idea. […]

Migraine Log – latest research edition

So January and February I got a lot of migraines. A lot. I don’t know why I’m getting so many. I guess I can be grateful that many of them are not severe. Here’s a round-up of articles on migraine research that made me feel better than that graph: A nice summary of migraine and […]

That’s not my migraine

This photo is used in article after article about migraine and it drives me nuts. It is of an actual person having an actual attack, but I don’t think it’s at all a representative image for the disease. Shining a light at my face like that – even with my eyes closed – would be […]

Strike while the iron is hot/Pace yourself

I had a few hours last night before bed without a migraine. I wanted so badly to stay up and take advantage of the time I was feeling well. But I didn’t – I kept my strict migraine-preventing sleep schedule. Or at least I tried to.  Yesterday was the first day in weeks that I’d […]

I am never busy

I am never busy. My to-do list is long and it grows every day I spend in bed with a migraine. But I never feel harried; I don’t even allow myself to rush. A departure from calm leads to migraine attack, a return to calm leads to migraine attack.  Busyness leads to migraines directly, through […]

Migraine log – October

It’s been some time since I did a migraine log. Let’s slog through some data. Frequency Back when I did my last migraine log at the end of May, I was all aflutter about topamax, which I’d started 6 weeks before. I’ve had some serious ups and downs (downs and downs?) with it since then. […]