Posts filed under “Migraine”

Migraine Log as of May 5

The sensations of my own body may be the only subject on which I am qualified to claim expertise. Sad and terrible, then, how little I know. “How do you feel?” the doctor asks, and I cannot answer. Not accurately. “Does this hurt?” he asks. Again, I’m not sure. “Do you have more or less […]

It hurts so much I can’t breathe, but it’s not a problem

My stomach and back hurt so much right now that I’m having a bit of trouble breathing. But not only am I standing at my desk writing code (and blog posts), I’m feeling cheerful about how well I feel. Migraines have seriously skewed how I respond to and rank pain and disability. I classify my […]

Out of my head

TRAILER: Out of My Head from Human Arts Association on Vimeo. Out of My Head is still in progress. I can’t wait for it to be done. Since it’s Giving Tuesday, maybe you’ll donate your afternoon coffee money to help finish the film?

Fun with insurance companies

Good news: after many rounds of paperwork, my insurance company has agreed to cover 60% of the cost of the 3 drugs I take that aren’t covered by the state health insurance. Bad news: There’s a $2000 cap. UGH ARG SNOTBOOGERS GRRR GOSHDARNIT EXTREME FROWNY FACE Bad news: That only gets me through the first […]

Migraine log – Botox round 3 edition

The first time I got Botox, I was in high school. I was part of a clinical trial, but I don’t remember what stage. I got very woozy and asked to lie down for a few minutes after the injections. My neurologist told me there was no need for that and audibly scoffed when I […]

Who would I be if I were not sick?

We like to think of ourselves as separate from our illness. We like to blame an outside source, whether it’s evil spirits or microbes, anything foreign, anything outside ourselves. We love to pinpoint the cause, to point to that tumor, that gene, that trauma, and say, Aha! There’s your problem! It’s comforting, because it reminds […]