Posts filed under “Migraine”

Migraine and gastroparesis from a gastroenterologist’s perspective.

Migraine and gastroparesis from a gastroenterologist’s perspective. Migraine makes your stomach not empty as quickly as it should. This can really affect how well your drugs work, especially time-sensitive ones like triptans. If you’re taking triptans by mouth and they aren’t working, you might want to talk to your doctor about injectable or nasal spray […]

Julianna Barwick and Hildegard of Bingen both wrote music that reminds me of the music I hallucinate during migraine auras. What strange songs does your migraine sing to you?

Side dish

Stabbing arm pains were exactly what this migraine was missing.

Work goals

Last week I wanted to work for 4 hours. If I met my goal, I would have obtained a couple Luna albums. I didn’t meet my goal. I did a lot of stuff last week, stuff that needed to get done, stuff related to being sick. But I need to be able to manage day […]

Migraine complicates the relationship between specific disease and legitimation. Migraine has a well-established diagnosis, a subspecialty in medicine that is devoted to its treatment, brain imaging that illustrates a migraine in process, pharmacological interventions, research that links certain forms of migraine to genetic mutations, insurance companies and policy makers that recognize its existence (albeit to […]