Posts filed under “Migraine”

When was the last time your migraine doctor caught up on the literature?

Over the centuries, physicians have placed migraine in various positions along the mind/body spectrum. Headache experts currently consider migraine a somatic disorder rooted in the brain. But this is a break from the past. Up until thirty years ago, doctors primarily viewed migraine as having both a psychological and a somatic basis. Joanna Kempner in […]

Migraine is dramatically under-researched and under-treated

Most people who have migraine are on the mild end of the spectrum; they might experience one to three headache days per month and lose some functionality as a result of symptoms. But about a quarter experience severe levels of disability associated with their symptoms. One to 3 percent of American adults are estimated to […]

Sexism affects your medical treatment in a thousand ways

stakeholders’ best attempts to legitimate migraine are undermined by cultural meanings of headache and migraine that are overlaid with assumptions about gender. These gender assumptions overdetermine how medical knowledge about headache disorders is produced, disseminated, and used. Joanna Kempner in Not Tonight  

How Exercise Shapes You, Far Beyond the Gym — Science of Us

How Exercise Shapes You, Far Beyond the Gym — Science of Us What utter bullshit. Next iteration of “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” I notice they’re not handing out you’re-so-successful-and-tough cookies to people with chronic pain or a thing for floggers. Also if it actually worked like the article suggests, being uncomfortable would […]

bartonellababe: When someone calls your illness “controversial”