Posts filed under “Migraine”

A reminder of why I sound really bitter about pharma sometimes

Fake acupuncture works about as well as real acupuncture for migraine which works as well as or better than standard migraine treatments. Which is to say, we are utterly shit at treating migraine and at least acupuncture won’t make you gain weight/lose weight/lose the ability to speak/make you suicidal/destroy your digestive system/make you stupid/etc. Also, […]


For headache specialists, reducing the disorder to a specific mechanism in the brain doesn’t just relieve the symptoms of migraine [referring to development of Imitrex]; it also targets the stigma associated with it by shifting responsibility for the pain away from a weak or neurotic personality toward a body over which the patient has no […]

Why cheap patients are expensive for doctors

providing services to headache patients—no matter how needed they are—is often described as a money-losing proposition. The problem is twofold: headache medicine requires few procedures, while at the same time, necessitates long doctor-patient appoint­ments. This matters because in the United States reimbursement rates pay much higher dividends for procedures than “evaluation and management.” Joanna Kempner […]