Posts by sarcozona

I’m a bad bitch

the credibility and the legitimacy of a disorder—and how much we, as a society, choose to invest in its treatment—is intimately tied to how we perceive the moral character of the patient. Joanna Kempner in Not Tonight  

Migraine Associated with Gastrointestinal Disorders: Review of the Literature and Clinical Implications

Migraine Associated with Gastrointestinal Disorders: Review of the Literature and Clinical Implications This article starts with an A++++ overview of migraine Migraine is a common headache disorder with a lifetime prevalence of 13% in men and 33% in women (1). There are ictal (migraine attack) and interictal periods. Migraine is a highly disabling disease with […]

When was the last time your migraine doctor caught up on the literature?

Over the centuries, physicians have placed migraine in various positions along the mind/body spectrum. Headache experts currently consider migraine a somatic disorder rooted in the brain. But this is a break from the past. Up until thirty years ago, doctors primarily viewed migraine as having both a psychological and a somatic basis. Joanna Kempner in […]

Migraine is dramatically under-researched and under-treated

Most people who have migraine are on the mild end of the spectrum; they might experience one to three headache days per month and lose some functionality as a result of symptoms. But about a quarter experience severe levels of disability associated with their symptoms. One to 3 percent of American adults are estimated to […]