Archive for August, 2016

If you just …

So many people tell me to my face that my migraines could be controlled/cured if I wasn’t stressed, if I just did yoga or meditation. I wonder how many people who don’t say that still think staying sick is my fault?

Migraines or Bremen

Hubert Airy, a doctor in the 1800s, drew pictures of his aura that are instantly recognizable to many migraineurs. My auras are often made of moving, close together lines, but very rarely in a fortification pattern. Also, mine are typically in neon green or violet. If you don’t get why auras like this are called […]

Not hired

So I was interviewing someone to clean my house since I’m too sick to do it myself. I made the mistake of mentioning my migraine and was treated to a mini-lecture on how I could cure my migraine if I learned to control my stress with yoga and meditation. Thanks to years of yoga and […]