Archive for 2014

While you’re waiting for the bus

Stuff worth reading Sometimes My Body Is a Cage Do I share everything Roxane Gay writes? I should. What will we do if the system can no longer create jobs? An interview with Ansel… To be chronically ill in our society is to be a superfluous person in the system Animal populations ‘have halved since […]

I’m famous!

My Tenure, She Wrote post on poverty in grad school was cited and extensively quoted in a New York Times blog, which is basically the same thing as the newspaper, right?

Pudding hysteria

My migraine brain is strange and frustratingly emotional. One aspect of this is state I now dub “pudding hysteria.” Sometimes after a migraine when I am still feeling terrible I have incredible cravings for particular foods that I do not have in my house, usually dessert. Today I became so upset at not having butterscotch […]

The bigger the crime, the less time

In 1969, there were 502 convictions for tax fraud. Such cases, called “white-collar crimes,” usually involve people with a good deal of money. Of those convicted, 20 percent ended up in jail. The fraud averaged $190,000 per case; the sentences averaged seven months. That same year, for burglary and auto theft (crimes of the poor) […]

While you’re waiting for the bus

Verifiability, truth, and hearsay: feminist point of view on the Geek Feminism wiki After a Puzzling Pause, the Gender Revolution Continues. Interesting point about overwork fueling the wage gap Abstract Parisian Rooftops Photographed by Michael Wolf Artist Hinke Schreuders Alters 1950s Advertising and Fashion Photography with Hand-Stitched Embroidery Astonishing Surreal Worlds Digitally Painted by Gediminas […]


I minored in math in undergrad. In about the second week or third week of each math course, I would strongly consider dropping, convinced I wasn’t clever enough to pass. I made a B in one of those courses and an A in every other. No matter how many math courses I took, I still […]