Verifiability, truth, and hearsay: feminist point of view on the Geek Feminism wiki
After a Puzzling Pause, the Gender Revolution Continues.
Interesting point about overwork fueling the wage gap
Abstract Parisian Rooftops Photographed by Michael Wolf
Artist Hinke Schreuders Alters 1950s Advertising and Fashion Photography with Hand-Stitched Embroidery
Surreal Worlds Digitally Painted by Gediminas Pranckevicius
Francis Fukuyama’s ‘Political Order and Political Decay’
Lawns waste far more water than pools, and use about as much as drought-tolerant…
Distributional Economic Health
Stop Pretending that Liberals are Just as Anti-Science as Conservatives
Huh. I definitely thought anti vaxxers were a liberal thing.
Military Sexual Assault: Male Survivors Speak Out
Military rape culture and lack of care for male victims