Archive for 2010

Healthcare reform

Many Republicans, Tea Partiers, and others on the right think the passage of health care reform is THE END OF THE WORLD (and they’re bringing their guns). Despite the lack of republican support for the bill, however, it’s built with conservative ideals.  For example, it includes $250 million for abstinence only sex education (How many times […]

Berry Go Round

This month’s Berry Go Round is going to be hosted at A Neotropical Savanna.  Submissions are due by the 26th.  If you’d like to host May or June, volunteer here.

February Migraine Data

I think that changes in barometric pressure influence my migraines, so I’ve been keeping track of daily pressure and how I feel (almost) every day.  Understanding how exactly my migraines are related to pressure changes is important for me – if I know the types of pressure changes that make me sick, I can choose […]

The God of the Fundamentalists

From Karen Armstrong’s A History of God: The 4,000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam: Once the Bible begins to be interpreted literally instead of symbolically, the idea of its God becomes impossible.  To imagine a deity who is literally responsible for everything that happens on earth involves impossible contradictions.  The “God” of the Bible ceases […]


There’s a lot of stuff over in my sidebar, and I’m wondering if it needs to be there.  Help me out and answer my questions in the comments (feel free to answer anonymously). How often do you use anything in the sidebar? If the sidebar disappeared, what would you miss? If the sidebar disappeared, what […]