Archive for 2010

Tree rings solve another mystery

A few weeks ago I wrote about how cool it is to be able to read the stories tree rings record, but I didn’t tell you any of those stories.  However, Ed Yong at Not Exactly Rocket Science describes a very old story that’s recently been translated: the fall of Angkor.  Scientists discovered two very […]


When my supposedly progressive town tried to pass a non-discrimination ordinance that would have prevented people from being denied housing or employment because of their sexual orientation or gender identification, the religious crazies came out in force.  They were perfectly comfortable calling me and the other queer people at public hearings pedophiles and accusing us […]

Imagining God

From Karen Armstrong’s A History of God: The 4,000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam: Today many people in the West would be dismayed if a leading theologian suggested that God was in some profound sense a product of the imagination.  Yet it should be obvious that the imagination is the chief religious faculty.  It has […]

Emily Wells

I discovered Emily Wells a few weeks ago when my roommate posted this song: Since then, I’ve bought just about everything she’s made that I can find.  I’m particularly in love with The Symphonies: Dreams Memories & Parties.  This review (which also includes some interesting background information) about captures how I feel about her music: it […]

A tribute

In honor of Isis the Scientist, who inspires scientists to combine hot shoes and differential equations, I present the shoes I’m wearing to show off my gorgeous new data today: