Archive for September, 2010
American Kestral: Who cares about pinyon pine?
American Kestrals (Falco sparverius) like to nest in pinyon pine (Pinus edulis) snags.
Red-tailed hawks: Who cares about pinyon pine?
Red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) like to nest in pinyon pine (Pinus edulis).
Your early 20s are nothing new
From Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin: Idle again by dedication, oppressed by emptiness of soul, he strove to achieve the appropriation of other’s thought – a splendid goal; with shelves of books deployed for action, he read, and read – no satisfaction: here’s boredom, madness or pretence, here there’s no conscience, here no sense; they’re all chained up […]
Aging Hay Bind
Sometimes I don’t feel well
Like the last 36 hours.
Figures Lie and Liars Figure – Drought and Precipitation
This is part three of a series that documents a conversation on climate change between my aunt (who is unsure that climate change is occurring) and myself. So far we’ve talked more about trust than actual science, but that’s about to change! My aunt had several questions after watching this EPA slideshow on climate change […]
Why aren’t you using Flattr yet?
Flattr is a really easy way to support musicians, bloggers, programmers, or any other content creator out there. So far this month, I’ve used it to support Wikileaks, the blog post that introduced me to Flattr, and a helpful forum post, among other things. I only wish more of the blogs and newpapers I read and […]