Archive for March, 2010

The Wild Trees

A few weeks ago, a friend told me he was coming over with a book that I absolutely had to read.  He showed up a few minutes later and launched immediately into a rapturous description of The Wild Trees. He wouldn’t even visit very long so that I could start reading right away.   I didn’t […]

People Mold God

From Karen Armstrong’s A History of God: The 4,000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam: [T]he Christianity of the Angles, the Saxons, and the Franks was rudimentary.  They were aggressive and martial people and they wanted an aggressive religion… Soldier saints like St. George, St. Mercury and St. Demetrius figured more than God in their piety […]

Sabrina Chap

SublimeFemme brought the music of the wonderful Sabrina Chap to my attention this week.  I knew about Sabrina Chap through the incredible collection of stories and art, Live Through This: On Creativity and Self-Destruction, but had no idea she was a also musician.  Her music is very fun, but also clever, and wonderfully queer. Now that you’re […]

Camera Advice

I bought a digital camera 5 years ago in China.  A Samsung Digimax U-CA 5, specifically.  It’s been a good camera: it survived my clumsiness, held a charge forever, and was easy to use.  But now it tends to make all my pictures kind of reddish or yellow and a full battery lasts about 15 […]