Archive for 2009

Why am I in such a good mood?

I think it might be because I made coconut chocolate chip cookie dough (with bonus oatmeal since I didn’t have enough coconut or chocolate chips) on Sunday, and following Joy’s advice, filled my freezer with frozen cookie dough balls.  This means that for the next several weeks I can have just-baked cookies whenever I want.

It’s the End of the World As We Know It

We’ve waited so long to do anything about climate change, that sea level rise of more than 6 feet (and half of that predicted in this century) is pretty much unstoppable now.  Things are going to go pretty badly for most countries, but island nations will be faced with (proportionately) far more land loss (forcing […]

The next step

E.O. Wilson in Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge: On the one side, ethics and religion are still too complex for present-day science to explain in depth.  On the other, they are far more a product of autonomous evolution than hiterto conceded by most theologians.  Science faces in ethics and religion its most interesting and possibly […]

What I’ve Noticed

Japanese farmers grow the most beautiful apples.  The process is incredibly labor intensive, however, and may die out in the next generation or so. Peg Mullen, the Cindy Sheehan of the Vietnam war, died last week. Why aren’t more women philosophers?  It’s the same reason most women steer clear of computer science: the large proportion […]


Dust storms suck, but could help slow global warming, which is a very very good thing since it’s likely temps will increase more than 7 °F in the next 40 or 50 years.  This is an incredible rate of warming – more than 250 times faster than one of the fastest warming periods (that we […]