Archive for 2009

Faster and faster

People don’t want to deal with climate change if it disrupts their lives and the number of people in the US who don’t believe in climate change is increasing (despite the availability of information like this).  This is silly because climate change is going to disrupt their lives a lot more than increasing public transportation […]

What I’ve noticed

Testosterone doesn’t actually make people selfish; it promotes fair play. It’s not that feminists don’t have a sense of humor, you’re just not funny. China really isn’t getting better about human rights abuses. Fantastic essay by Asimov on “The Relativity of Wrong.”  I feel like this would be especially good to read in intro science […]

Warning: Very Whiney Post

So we’ve gotten a lot of snow in a short amount of time.  This isn’t unusual for my area, but since the local government is so broke, they can’t afford to plow like they usually do.  This means that my university was closed most of yesterday and all day today. This is finals week and […]

Special snowflakes sure do kill a lot of innocent people

From Karen Armstrong’s A History of God: The 4,000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam: The Jews have often been criticized for their belief that they are the Chosen People, but their critics have often been guilty of the same kind of denial that fueled the diatribes against idolatry in biblical times. …  Western Christians […]

What I’ve been listening to

Apart from watching this video over and over and playing so much Christmas music over Thanksgiving break that even I’m sick of it now, these are some of the most awesome songs I’ve listened to in the last few weeks: <A HREF=”” mce_HREF=””> Widgets</A> Melanie Horsnell – Tomorrow Ezekial Honig – Slojam

Celebrity crush

Except for a secret crush on Annie Lennox in middle school that played not a small part in the realization that I was a big queer, I’ve never been the type to become infatuated with people I haven’t met.  That might have changed.