Archive for 2009

Museum of Northern Arizona

I was really worried about my mom’s visit, but we had a really wonderful time.  She’s changed a lot – she believes that evolution happens.  This is a huge step away from biblical literalism.  Her rejection of creationism meant that she could truly enjoy our trip to the Museum of Northern Arizona. The museum has […]

Berry Go Round!

There’s a new edition of Berry Go Round up at Foothills Fancies.  I particularly liked the Watcher’s posts on spring along an elevational gradient.

Brave New World

E.O. Wilson in Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge Still, except for the rare behavioral conditions approaching total genetic determination, heritabilities are at best risky predictors of personal capacity in existing and future environments. …  The message from geneticists to intellectuals and policy-makers is this: Choose the society you want to promote, then prepare to live […]

And why would he do that?

E.O. Wilson in Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge Perhaps God did create all organisms, including human beings, in finished form, in one stroke, and maybe it all happened several thousand years ago.  But if that is true, He also salted the earth with false evidence in such endless and exquisite detail, and so thoroughly from […]

Who are we?

E.O. Wilson in Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge We know that virtually all of human behavior is transmitted by culture.  We also know that biology has an important effect on the origin of culture and its transmission.  The question remaining is how biology and culture interact, and in particular how they interact across all societies […]

Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer?

Finals were over in early May, and I was looking forward to long, warm days with time to go to work and cook and dance and read.  Unfortunately, it’s been mostly in the 60s with cloudy and sometimes rainy weather nearly every day.  Having a migraine every afternoon has made me pretty miserable and kept […]


Instead of a bunch of links to depressing stories, I’ve got a depressing (but very very lovely) poem for you this Saturday. Death of a Field Paula Meehan The field itself is lost the morning it becomes a site When the Notice goes up: Fingal County Council – 44 houses The memory of the field […]