Archive for June, 2009

What We Killed Thursday

Erythrina, or coral trees, are well known for their spectacular flowers and are often grown ornamentally.  They’re also very important in the ecosystems they belong to.  Their leaves are food for caterpillars of many moth and butterfly species.  Their nectar and seeds sustain numerous bird species, including a number of hummingbirds.  Coral trees are also […]

Patagonian Petunias

This is probably not quite like any petunia you’ve seen before.  Patagonia seems to have such interesting plants.  Perhaps I’ll go botanizing there someday.


I’ve had Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series recommended to me a million and one times and I finally got around to reading the first book in the series, Foundation. The premise of the series is interesting – Psychohistory is a science that combines statistics and psychology to predict what large populations of people will do.  A […]