Archive for May, 2009

Berry Go Round #16

I’m usually late advertising new Berry Go Round editions, and this month is a particularly good example of that – in just over a week I’ll be hosting BGR 17.  Drop off your submission and then head over to Quiche Moraine for BGR 16.  I enjoyed the focus on mutualism in this edition – for […]

Science and Chronic Illness

I’ve complained about having migraines here before, but I haven’t talked much about how I expect them to affect me in the future.  Part of that is because it terrifies me.  As an undergraduate with classes that aren’t too challenging and teachers that don’t mind letting me make up tests, migraines don’t really hurt anything […]

Being condescending

I have a hard time talking to non-scientists about science: I assume they know more or less than they actually do – I never seem to get it just right.  I think assuming they know less is a better strategy.  If I assume they know more, they normally don’t even bother to ask about what […]

Still missing…

I have several posts waiting to be written (or half written) and had grand plans of finishing at least one today.  Unfortunately, I’m sick again today.  For the last several weeks I’ve been nauseated for several hours almost every day for no apparent reason.  It isn’t bad enough to make me miserable, but it keeps […]

Hooray for summer!

I turned my last term paper in yesterday morning.  Finishing the last assignment/exam of a semester always feels so good!  I spent the rest of day repotting plants and retrieving my summer clothes from the depths of the hall closet.  Today, I’ve got to get some work done, but I’m planning on making a grapefruit […]

I’ll Be Back!

I’d apologize for the lack of blogging, but I’m pretty sure most of my readers have either experienced the end of a semester or heard me whine enough to understand exactly why I’ve disappeared the last few weeks.  I don’t actually have any finals this semester, but I do have large papers and projects to […]