Archive for April, 2009

Migraine Log – Week 19

I’m comparing my migraines with and without Petadolex.  So far, it kind of looks like the medicine I was taking to try and make my migraines better was making them worse.

For Your Soul

What Work Is Philip Levine We stand in the rain in a long line waiting at Ford Highland Park. For work. You know what work is–if you’re old enough to read this you know what work is, although you may not do it. Forget you. This is about waiting, shifting from one foot to another. […]

I got a scholarship!

This weekend I found out I didn’t get the Udall scholarship and had a pity party.  I found out yesterday that I got a $1000 scholarship from my university’s biology department.  It’s not $5000, but it makes me feel better!

Complexity in biology – how much can we know?

E.O. Wilson in Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge So the important questions are, first, do general organizing principles exist that allow a living organism to be reconstituted in full without recourse to brute force simulation of all its molecules and atoms? Second, will the same principles apply to mind, behavior, and ecosystems? Third, is there […]