Archive for 2008

Increasing Carbon Dioxide Levels and Trees at High Elevations

Carbon dioxide levels have been increasing since the industrial revolution and have been increasing really really fast since the 1950s. You’ve all seen the hockey stick graph. I’ve been looking at pinyon pine tree rings for the past year and think there might be something going on with increasing CO2 and what the rings are […]

Winter’s Over, This Week Anyway

As soon as the snow and ice melted this week, the wildflowers started blooming. Except for the little bit of bite left in the wind, I’d say it was spring.  While I do love cool weather, I’ve put my warm clothes in a box in the back of my closet already this year and am […]

Happy Endings

P.S. I Love You – just because it made me cry doesn’t mean it was good.  I did like the shoes, though.

Signing Statements

Bush has used more signing statements than any other president. The way bush is using signing statements essentially relegates Congress to an advisory role. This abuse lets the president choose what laws he wishes to enforce or not, overruling Congress and the people. So Americans are living under laws their representatives never passed. Signing statements […]

For a reference point

In general, headache sufferers are worse off than people who have arthritis, roughly similar to those who have congestive heart failure severe enough to interfere with walking up and down stairs and only slightly better than people with AIDS… From All in My Head

Election 2008

Is it reasonable … to assume that leaders who are willing to abuse signing statements, withhold information from Congress, make secret decisions, lie to the American people, use fake evidence to justify a preemptive war, torture prisoners, tap people’s phones, open their mail and e-mail, break into their houses, and now simply ignore Congress altogether […]


With headaches, you’re alienated from yourself because your pain is so bad, and you don’t want to be there. At the same time, you’re alienated from everybody else because you have headaches: “I don’t want to go and be with people.” If I’m on meds, then I’m kind of spacey and can’t quite communicate my […]