14 degrees

It’s time to pull out the super-sexy underwear:


  1. lizbet says:

    Sexy underpants! If you put lace around the cuffs, you could call them pantaloons.

  2. Eugenie says:

    nice pants… I wonder if they can handle the -26?F winter days we get at SLAC……

  3. Karina says:

    sarcozona, I thought I had your blog RSS’d months ago and that you just weren’t posting, when lo and behold I see on Eugenie’s blog that you have a new post. So I go look and I can’t find gravity’s rainbow anywhere in my bloglist. My apologies! Now I am really reading your blog.

  4. sarcozona says:

    @Eugenie These aren’t my actual long underwear, just a pic I snagged from the internet – I have lots and lots of different kinds! My favorites for this kind of weather have pink and gray stripes and are actually quite adorable. I haven’t pulled out my heavy duty ones quite yet, since the below 0 weather doesn’t roll around until Jan/Feb.

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