What I’ve noticed

The US government conducted a huge raid for illegal immigrants in Postville, Iowa.  They haven’t explained why some are being deported and others are being jailed.  Wives of the arrested men have been fitted with leg monitoring bracelets and basically been told “You can’t work, you can’t leave and can’t stay.”  The local Roman Catholic church is now caring for the women.  A priest responds to the situation:

He said he understands that the people arrested were illegal, but he said they were also desperate.

“This was their last option. They would not have chosen this as their first option. They wanted to feed their families. Scripture tells us to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, give shelter to the shelterless. If you and your family were starving, what would you do?” [via holographicme]

Russia’s not playing nice with Georgia. [via 3QD]

Helen Boyd interviews Monica Canfield-Lenfest.  Includes my new favorite word: queerspawn.

A moving post on teaching.  I want to be a good teacher someday, but I’ve got a very long way to go.

When their high school refused to let them organize, the Okeechobee, FL Gay-Straight Alliance asked the ACLU for help.  They’ve won the case.  Notably, the decision requires the school board to “take into account the well-being of its non-heterosexual students.”