Archive for May, 2008

What I’ve noticed

What happens in the brain when people orgasm.  I thought it was especially interesting that different types of female orgasms look incredibly different in the brain.  With clitoral orgasms, the brain gets very very quiet – the article describes it as “widespread neural power failures,” but at least some non clitoral orgasms actually activate the […]

Snow in May, again

If you look very closely, you can see that there is a lovely mixture of sleet/rain/snow coming down today.  I’d just like to point out that it’s May 22nd.

Mind Over Matter

“The idea that I can make my body do anything I really want it to do, such as making the pain go away completely, is a form of the myth of control, a childish belief in the omnipotence of what I want…” …. In reality, there are limits to how the mind can influence pain, […]

Another dentist appointment

I went to get yet another cavity filled yesterday. My housemate, Jane, had an appointment just before mine, so we rode the bus there together. I know riding the bus is a mundane experience for most people, but I really enjoy it. I always feel like I’m setting off on some adventure. This distracts me […]

the power of self destructive acts

We have been taught that self-destruction is an awful thing. “it is bad,” we’ve been told by therapists, psychologists, and those who do not understand its seduction. I would like to edit that. Instead of “it is bad,” I would like for it to read, “It is.” It is what we do naturally. We smoke […]