Another dentist appointment

I went to get yet another cavity filled yesterday. My housemate, Jane, had an appointment just before mine, so we rode the bus there together. I know riding the bus is a mundane experience for most people, but I really enjoy it. I always feel like I’m setting off on some adventure. This distracts me from the terrible fact that I’m usually going to the dentist.

The day before yesterday I again failed at taking a picture. But I have no problems cheating. I’ll just post two from yesterday!

My dentist isn’t friendly, but he’s really quick and doesn’t skimp on the numbing. Also, he’s cheap.  While half my face was paralyzed for a few hours, I didn’t feel a thing while my tooth was getting filled.

crooked smile

And this is a picture that was supposed to be of the moon behind some clouds, but is instead mostly a picture of the lights at Thorpe Park.

moon at the ballgame