Posts tagged “Paula Kamen”

Some days are like that

“I am having a bad day,” she wrote me. “I realize that the past three years have been totally lost and the past ten years have been straight from hell. It seems like the smallest things throw me into disequilibrium. I am very depressed and exhausted.” From All in My Head

Mind Over Matter

“The idea that I can make my body do anything I really want it to do, such as making the pain go away completely, is a form of the myth of control, a childish belief in the omnipotence of what I want…” …. In reality, there are limits to how the mind can influence pain, […]

Pain Relief

I was thrilled and scared at the same time. I marveled at how everything in life was now so incredibly easy with this relief: returning phone calls, doing errands, cleaning up. I remember stopping in the middle of the aisle at the Jewel grocery store and feeling as if I would float away to the […]

On living with chronic pain and having a social life

If I went out, I was drained. If I canceled plans, I felt detached and guilty. When you’re in pain, hell is other people, and hell is also the absence of other people. The stark reality is that you basically have to suffer your pain alone and in silence. In the beginning, you can talk […]