
Changes in pressure seem to be my biggest migraine trigger.  So changing elevation, flying, and weather changes all make me sick.  I want to choose a graduate school where I’ll almost never be sick, so I need to understand more about the types of pressure changes that cause my migraines.  What’s the minimum change that makes me sick? How much does the speed of the change matter?  How do different magnitudes/speeds of change affect the intensity/duration of the migraine?  How long after the change do I get sick?

Remember all those graphs about Petadolex I subjected you to?  The next several months you’ll be seeing lots more graphs on here.  I’m going to post a graph of barometric pressure that occurs before each migraine I get (or as many as I can).

I actually have a migraine this morning, though it’s tapered off since it woke me up at about 3:30am.  Here’s what the pressure looked like last night:

November 29See all those spikes?  The change is relatively small, but very very fast.  I wonder if just one would have been enough to give me a migraine?