Archive for September, 2009


I struggled with many common idioms as a child.  Two I remember being confused by: You can’t have your cake and eat it, too. I didn’t understand how it was possible to eat a cake you didn’t have. A friend in need is a friend indeed. While I thought helping friends was great, I didn’t […]

Sports really are primitive

E.O. Wilson in Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge: Not just hunter-gatherer bands but also groups and nations at the level of high civilization are prone to adopt animal species as totems to reflect the qualities they most value in themselves.  American football fans, having at last found a way to form their own Paleolithic tribes, […]

What I’ve Noticed

Oh so true snippets of fundie culture. The Princeton Guide to Ecology just went to the top of my wishlist.  Yes, even above the lovely shoes I posted earlier this week. “Government-run” health care has problems, but it still works better than private insurance: Compared with the employer-coverage group, people in the Medicare group report […]

More shoes I didn’t buy

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted about shoes, and now two shoe posts in just one week?  I guess cool-weather shoes are more to my taste than summery sandals. I really like these boots.  Unfortunately, they’re over $200 and I really can’t justify buying them.

Honor & Glory

Remorse Siegfried Sassoon via TEotAW Lost in the swamp and welter of the pit, He flounders off the duck-boards; only he knows Each flash and spouting crash,–each instant lit When gloom reveals the streaming rain. He goes Heavily, blindly on. And, while he blunders, ‘Could anything be worse than this?’–he wonders, Remembering how he saw […]