What to expect

While 1/3 of women have had an abortion by the age of 45, there’s a tremendous stigma surrounding the issue, forcing most women to go through the process without community support or advice from women who’ve chosen to have an abortion or considered an abortion and didn’t get one.  I’ve been reading What to Expect When You’re Aborting, a blog by a woman deciding on, preparing for, and getting an abortion.  It’s an awesome blog.  She’s honest and funny.  This is the cartoon she posted about her post-abortion period:


  1. Mike says:

    I don’t have time to read that blog at the moment, but I will later.

    However, that’s an awesome cartoon.

  2. sarcozona says:

    I know! I love that cartoon. Let me know when you get a chance to look at that blog 🙂

  3. Moody834 says:


    New reader here…. This image caught my eye, and I went and read the blog and a recommended article. Very good. I am glad I ran across your blog.

    Also, just from a brief perusal, I am impressed with your blog generally. Looks like one to visit on a regular basis. Of course, I would be shamefully remiss if I failed to mention that Gravity’s Rainbow is my favorite novel of all time (not that there aren’t contenders, mind).

    Anyway, thanks for being here. It’s always a pleasure running across a blog of this caliber.

    Take care, and be well.

  1. […] week, I wrote excitedly about What to Expect When You’re Aborting, a blog by a woman who has recently had an abortion and chronicled the process.  Now, most of her […]

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